

noun \ ˈblərb \

Definition of  blurb

(Entry 1 of 2) : a short publicity notice (as on a book jacket)

(Entry 2 of 2): transitive verb : to describe or praise in a blurb

First use noun 1907, verb 1915


Reviews and Testimonials:

Working with Vassilya meant knowing you could take a deep breath. You could instantly put all of your trust into them, and be assured your project would be handled with the utmost care. Vassilya also extended their positive and optimistic attitude into the entire project management team every day, which continued to greatly improve the morale of the group. They were able to carry this into their engagements with clients and talent alike, with many repeatedly mentioning having enjoyable experiences with Vassilya. I will always cite their attitude as a reason I remained so productive during the busiest times. I believe they are more than capable to handle any type of creative endeavor thrown at them.

— Lana Migliore, SAG-AFTRA Foundation Voiceover Engineer, Former Award-Winning Project Manager for John Marshall Media
NYC, New York

Before Vassilya joined our team as Post-Production Manager at John Marshall Media, they helped us produce audiobooks on a freelance basis. I always hoped to have them working with me. Vassilya’s keen attention to detail, paired with their eternal optimism, meant our projects together just flowed. As a team, we could trust Vassilya to sort out the most complicated of programs. When we needed to bring a freelancer up to join us full-time, we all knew that person had to be Vassilya.

Their dedication to literature and language is immediately evident. Vassilya cares deeply about this work, and their conscientious approach to storytelling makes for the most delightful production experience. From pre-production through recording and post, you want Vassilya in the room.

— Ajax Abernathy, Senior Post-Production Manager at John Marshall Media, Inc.
Brooklyn, NYC, New York

“I recently had the pleasure of working with Vassilya Dainwood as the Director of the audio book, Financial Feminist, for Harper Collins Publishers, written and read by Tori Dunlap.

 From the very start of the project, Vassilya masterfully directed the reader/author in a very transparent manner.  Vassilya gave the author the freedom and latitude to express her authentic self, creating an audio book that is uniquely engaging and full of personality.  There were a couple of heart-felt passages in the book when the author teared up.  Vassilya was able to work with the author to get clear, coherent, and natural reads all the while conveying the emotion of the moment... not an easy task.  These things were accomplished in a very relaxed and productive work environment, which as the director, Vassilya directly influenced.  All of this created a wonderful experience for the author/reader and everyone else involved.

 I thoroughly enjoyed working with Vassilya and would welcome the opportunity to work with her again.  If you need a top-shelf director who can deliver the goods with grace and nuance, look no further than Vassilya Dainwood.”

— Will LeMaster, Producer/Engineer
Seattle, WA

“Vassilya was the only member of our team at JMM that didn't come from an audio engineering background, yet was super quick to learn the concepts and eager to understand more. Their position as a post production manager requires a lot of juggling audio projects around and keeping an eye open for fine details, and they've done an excellent job keeping multiple challenging projects afloat.”

— Jed Kronfeld, Quality Control Engineer
New York, NY

“I've been narrating audiobooks for over 20 years and have worked with many directors/editors. Vassilya stands out as someone who was highly efficient, detail oriented, and pleasant to work with. I would absolutely recommend her services for any narrator looking to get a clean and accurate recording.”

— Kristin Allison, Award-Winning Narrator
Denver, CO

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Vassilya on hundreds of audio projects over the span of several years. Her attention to detail and personal drive are exemplary. She will put you at ease, and deliver nothing but the most spotless products. I cannot recommend her services enough.”

— Stephanie Fodrey, Producer
Denver, CO

“The Oratorium brings years of experience to the table, including work for the blind and visually impaired. Vassilya cares deeply about doing quality work and will take great care with your project. She works efficiently and accurately. I highly recommend The Oratorium.”

— Brena Adams, Engineer/Director
Los Angeles, CA

“I worked with Vassilya at Talking Book Publishers, Inc. Her attention to detail and accuracy made her one of the top engineers. She greatly contributed to the overall quality of the recordings and the company itself.”

— Ashley Steadman, Post-Production Manager
Denver, CO

“I worked with Vassilya at Talking Book Publishers inc. in Denver a few years back. I narrated about 100 books there, and Vassilya was the Director (and sometime Engineer). She was always focused and alert and I knew I could depend on her to catch my mistakes, which let me relax and be a better narrator. I was always glad to learn that Vassilya would be Director for my narration.”

— John Jessup, Award-Winning Narrator
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

“Vassilya is a dream to work with. I got the opportunity less often than I wished, because she was in high demand around the office due to the quality of her work, her level of intelligence, competence, and skill. However, when she directed and edited my audiobook narration, she was lightening fast, accurate, and had an intuitive grasp of what sounded best and how to communicate feedback to me in a way that helped make my own work even better, and elevated the art form throughout the entire process.”

— Maggy Stacy, LoC NLS PBPH Narrator
Denver, CO